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There are two different types of Up and Over garage doors, each having a slightly different purpose and designed slightly different. The two types of Up and Over Garage Doors are 'Canopy' Garage Doors or 'Retractable' Garage Doors. Their names describe how the garage door opens and closes and both mechanisms have their uses in different applications.

An up and over garage door requires a fixing sub frame. This needs to be fitted in between or behind the structure.

Garage Door Materials

the Up and Over Garage Door is extremely Versatile meaning The doors can be made from Steel, Fibreglass, Upvc and most types of Timber.

For More Information about the Different Materials available for this Garage door please give us a call or fill out our quick online form..

Canopy Garage Door

The canopy garage door is the simplest and most common type of garage door mechanism, its name came from the fully opened garage door panel not completely fitting inside the garage and so forming a Canopy. It gives the maximum drive-through width when open and is the easiest to install. If you want an automatic garage door, the Canopy Garage door is not generally used.

Retractable Garage Door

The retractable garage door is the more popular type of garage door mechanism, The garage door retracts fully into the garage when open. With a retractable Garage door, it can easily be converted into an Automatic Garage Door if needed. The drive-through width on a retractable mechanism is reduced because the support arms.